Goals and outcomes
A Smart goal for this class
My goal for this class is to complete and submit all my assignments efficiently and improve my writing skills while doing so. I want to be able to turn in my work at at least one day before the due date so that I have more free time. In order to achieve this goal, I have to set aside specific times during the week to focus only on English 115 work. I can take advantage of times in between breaks and early in the morning before class starts to do so. By the midpoint of the semester I would like to improve my vocabulary to include at least 15 new words. By the end of the semester I would like to have more advanced sentence structure to accommodate the increased vocabulary. This can then be displayed by my writing assignments.
a smart goal for this semester
My goal for this semester is to have better time management skills so that I do not get burnt out too early during the week. I want to be able to write down my homework in a planner and figure out the most efficient way to get it done. In order to do this, I have to think about what assignments are more difficult and time consuming so that I can get those done first. I can download a planning app or purchase a physical planner then sort out the assignments properly respective to the due dates. By the end of each week, I want to have the whole Sunday free of any homework so that I can rest and relax.
Campus student learning outcomes link + one I feel the need to focus on
A link to our campus Student Learning Outcomes for this course
A SMART goal I need to focus on is "apply a variety of strategies for planning, outlining, drafting, revising, and editing written work." This is because I usually do not spend a lot of time planning out what I write. I just write down whatever comes to mind then revise it a few times. I really need to outline and properly edit my work in order to make sure it is at its best.
University GE Student Learning Outcomes (Analytical Reading and Expository Writing)
Goal: Students will analyze and reflect on complex topics and appropriately synthesize their own
and others’ ideas in clearly written and well organized edited American English.
Student Learning Outcomes
Students will:
1. Analyze and compare perspective, meaning, and style in different texts, including those that reflect multicultural images and voices;
2. Construct a theme or thesis and organize and develop a substantial, balanced and convincing defense of it in a voice, tone, language, and format (e.g., essay autobiography, report, editorial, case study, inquiry, and research) appropriate to the purpose of the writing;
3. Use logical support, including informed opinion and fact, as well as their interpretations, to develop ideas, avoiding fallacies, biased language, and inappropriate tone;
4. Demonstrate satisfactory competence in the conventions of Edited American English and the elements of presentation (including layout, format, and printing);
5. Select and incorporate ideas derived from a variety of sources, such as library electronic and print resources, books, journals, the Internet, and interviews, and document them responsibly and correctly;
6. Apply a variety of strategies for planning, outlining, drafting, revising and editing written work.
I am completing almost all my goals. I have been very consistent in my SMART goal for this class. I always do my work as soon as I possibly can so that no assignment is ever late. My goal of setting aside specific time during the week for this class has helped me achieve the grades I want so far. I have specifically chosen to dedicate two to three days to focus on my English 115 papers and other assignments. I am still working on including better vocabulary in my papers. I hope to learn stronger words soon so that I can add them in the final revisions of my papers. Other than that step, I am confident that my class goal will be met by the end of the semester. My SMART goal for the semester is also being completed. I made a specific plan on which assignment to do on which day for all of my classes. I have these typed into a digital planner which is helping me manage my time. Prior to doing this, I would do every assignment all at once and get burnt out too fast. However, now that I am managing it, I do typically have at least one full day of free time during the week.
I was able to meet a majority of my goals as a result of hard work. I met my SMART goal for this class by genuinely setting aside hours throughout the week to focus specifically on English 115. I typically did this in the first half of the week so that I would have less work over the weekend. The only thing I did not meet was trying to learn 15 new vocabulary words because I soon realized it was unrealistic. I instead found only a few very helpful words and tried incorporating them into my work. I can continue to try to meet a revised goal of about 10 words instead by studying on my own time in the future. I also met my SMART goal for this semester completely. I did this by staying organized and completing all my work on time. I prioritized school while also balancing my work.